We created a provocative campaign for BeCyberSafe, to increase awareness on the dangers of online predators and help promote cyber safety. In order to reach as much of the target market as we could and study how these teens actually behave online, we mounted a social experiment that proved how easy it is for the youth to accept friend requests from strangers. We created four Facebook accounts. Each account accumulated more than 300 friends each, made profiles that fit the 13-16 year old demographic. Consequently, Each Facebook friend gained was personally messaged and led to the official video.
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Digital Strategy: Charities, Public Services & Awareness Messages

Media Strategy: Small budget media campaign

Digital Strategy: Video Digital

Strategy: Social/Influencers

Media Strategy: Social

Creative Storytelling, Film

Creative Category: Branded Storytelling

Education & Lifelong Learnings: Humanities & Culture

Advocacy: Humanities & Culture

Family Centered: Humanities & Culture

Responsible Citizenship
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1 Million +
3 Million+
9 Million+